Showing 63 Result(s)
Advice Blog Life&Style

Vote!: Thoughts, Feelings, and Reflections Heading into the Election

I am writing this Monday November 2nd 2020. It will not be posted until Friday November 6 2020. A lot is going to happen between now and then. In my life and the course of the country. This was my first time voting in a presidential election. Not my first time voting though, I already …

Advice Blog Life Updates Life&Style News Ramblings

We’ve Made It Half-Way; Thoughts, Feelings, and Reflections on the Semester this Far

I think it’s about mid-way through the semester. Although, no one really knows without fall break to schedule and plan around. Mid-terms grades are due the 21, I took one mid-term two weeks ago, another isn’t until next Tuesday. Please send help. Our fall break was taken away when we all thought we would attending …