Life&Style Ramblings

Falling Into Place

There was once a time where I wanted the things I had year ago,

A year ago I wanted the thing I have today

And today?

And that scares me,

Will it ever be enough,

Will I ever be enough

Or will I always want more?

Or is this just another unfounded fear to keep me up at night?

I have looked at myself in the mirror,

And cried because I just wanted what I have now,

Now I look at my reflection and wonder what’s next,

When do I hit the next milestone,

When do I achieve the next goal,

When do all the puzzles pieces fall into place,

Into my favor,

Or do they ever?

Because you can achieve thee goal,

Start living the dream,

Only to realize, this isn’t what you wanted,

This isn’t how you thought it was going to be,

And all you want is to be,

In the next phase,

On the next stage,

Doing the next step,

Not really enjoying,

Or taking in the moment,

That is this moment,

That you worked so hard for,

But yet we think,

That once we achieve the next thing,

That it will all be different,

And we take a moment,

To step back,

Sit down,

And reflect on everything that helped get us there,

But we won’t,

Because by than,

We will be scared again,

That we still haven’t achieved,

The same old goal.

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