The Last Week of the Semester; Thoughts, Feelings, Reflections
Somehow, someway, we made it to the last week of the semester. By the time you are reading this, I will be on reading period. My university gives us the Thursday and Friday before finals “off” to study and work on projects. Meaning, I will be knee-deep in essays, projects, jury videos, and studying for …
Christmas Playlists -2020
Christmas Playlist for You and Yours to Enjoy this Holiday Season!
This year, I am thankful for
This year I am thankful, A week-long break from school, time to relax, recharge, and recenter before finals. All the opportunities that have come my way this year, whether they panned out or not. Music, both that I am making and that has gotten me through this year. People. Friends, family, everyone that has got …
My Top Halloween Movies- 2020
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love dressing up, I love creepy, spooky things and I love October as a whole. That’s before mentioning candy and memories of getting to stay up late trick-or-treating. My plans this year look about the same as in years past, staying in and watching movies in a …
We’ve Made It Half-Way; Thoughts, Feelings, and Reflections on the Semester this Far
I think it’s about mid-way through the semester. Although, no one really knows without fall break to schedule and plan around. Mid-terms grades are due the 21, I took one mid-term two weeks ago, another isn’t until next Tuesday. Please send help. Our fall break was taken away when we all thought we would attending …
A Reflective Rant
What’s that saying about best-laid plans? According to Professor Google, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” I don’t think that’s what I am thinking of. But that’s not really the point here. It’s 2020, let’s be real, you can plan all you want but what you need to be able to …
Thoughts, Feelings, Reflections; The New Semester
I am writing this a week before you will see it. At this time on Monday I will have just finished my first class of the new semester. It’s weird to think about summer coming to end, so uneventfully. It’s weird to think about how we all thought three months ago that this semester would …
WwwWOooOAaaAHhhH! (We’re Halfway There!)
Yeah, that title was “cheesy” and could also be described as “low-hanging fruit”. At the same time, we are official past the halfway of this *insert adjective here* year known as the 2020th year of our lord. It’s the point in the year where we all understand the meaning of Blink-182. I believe in fostering …
This is Now Somehow…Reality
Life is chaos, and it sucks. When I was constantly complaining three months ago that I wanted more time to myself, this isn’t what I meant. At all. Everyone has come up with their own unique ways of describing all of this. None of them are really useful, and I have yet to find one …
In The Eye Of The Hurricane There Is Quiet
On Sunday, when this week started, the world was different. My housemates and I took a spontaneous trip to the Trader Joe’s in the town over. Our minds torn between dreaming about spring break processing the email that had been sent mere hours before, saying classes would be online for at least the upcoming week. …
I am on a Roller Coaster
A month or so ago, I created drafts for about everything idea I had for blog posts at that exact moment in time. This post is none of them. I started off the year, the semester, the decade with the goal of posting at least once a week. In the high of the newness of …