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Advice Blog Life&Style Ramblings

The Last Week of the Semester; Thoughts, Feelings, Reflections

Somehow, someway, we made it to the last week of the semester. By the time you are reading this, I will be on reading period. My university gives us the Thursday and Friday before finals “off” to study and work on projects. Meaning, I will be knee-deep in essays, projects, jury videos, and studying for …

Advice Blog Life Updates Life&Style News Ramblings

We’ve Made It Half-Way; Thoughts, Feelings, and Reflections on the Semester this Far

I think it’s about mid-way through the semester. Although, no one really knows without fall break to schedule and plan around. Mid-terms grades are due the 21, I took one mid-term two weeks ago, another isn’t until next Tuesday. Please send help. Our fall break was taken away when we all thought we would attending …

Advice Blog Life&Style Ramblings Uncategorized

WwwWOooOAaaAHhhH! (We’re Halfway There!)

Yeah, that title was “cheesy” and could also be described as “low-hanging fruit”. At the same time, we are official past the halfway of this *insert adjective here* year known as the 2020th year of our lord. It’s the point in the year where we all understand the meaning of Blink-182. I believe in fostering …